Winter Sparks Rose Bouquet ©

Winter Sparks Rose Bouquet

Stunning bouquet bouquetcrafted from an enchanting mix of fresh red and orange roses and colourful alstroemerias, which perfectly embody the joy and magic of colder days of the year. With extra decoration. Let the gifted loved ones feel the beauty and fragrance pf our Winter Sparks Rose Bouquet. Available during winter and spring till May. Flowers are hand delivered fresh and in best quality.
We recommend to order this special bouquet one or two days in advance in this season (unlike most other bouquets that can be delivered on the same day).
Price Eur 82.00 | 1900 already contains the delivery to any place in Slovaka (in EUR) or Czech Republic (in CZK) inlcuding your message on an enclosed card.
Date, when you wish the delivery: